Friday, December 6, 2013


I once here a mommy blogger say that parenting is not something that you do if you have time for, it is what god gave you time for. Now day’s people are really busy. They spend their time running from jobs to daycare to parties and so one. Without even realizing they have made parenting a thing that they do when it is convenient instead of spending their time making sure that their children always come first. Many parents would do well to take a step back from work, friends and personal pleasure and spend that time on their children. They might even find that they learn more in this processes.  

Learning is a Choice

This week I read an article by Dennis Prager entitled Does a Women Trade Her Mind for a Mop. I loved this article. Many people now days think that be a isn't just useless and mind numbering, but also degrading as well. They think that there education is useless and they stop learning because of their environment that they are in. This is completely false. Learning is a choice. Someone can go to work for five years and learn the same about as someone that stays at home. It all depends on how they spend their time. A stay at home mom can spend her time listening to books while she does many things such as cleaning and folding laundry. This isn't always as easy for someone that goes to work every day.