Friday, December 6, 2013


I once here a mommy blogger say that parenting is not something that you do if you have time for, it is what god gave you time for. Now day’s people are really busy. They spend their time running from jobs to daycare to parties and so one. Without even realizing they have made parenting a thing that they do when it is convenient instead of spending their time making sure that their children always come first. Many parents would do well to take a step back from work, friends and personal pleasure and spend that time on their children. They might even find that they learn more in this processes.  

Learning is a Choice

This week I read an article by Dennis Prager entitled Does a Women Trade Her Mind for a Mop. I loved this article. Many people now days think that be a isn't just useless and mind numbering, but also degrading as well. They think that there education is useless and they stop learning because of their environment that they are in. This is completely false. Learning is a choice. Someone can go to work for five years and learn the same about as someone that stays at home. It all depends on how they spend their time. A stay at home mom can spend her time listening to books while she does many things such as cleaning and folding laundry. This isn't always as easy for someone that goes to work every day. 

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Family Council

Communication in a family is very important. One of the best ways to have open communication is to have weekly family council. It is important that you have are making an agenda throughout the week. That way there is nothing that is forgotten. One of the best ways is to post it somewhere where all of the family members have access to it. The next step is to make sure that you show love and appreciation for each other. This encourages open communication with one another. Everyone in the family knows that they are cared for and have that there opinion has value. The next step is to make sure that you have an opening prayer. This invites the spirit and helps you know what the lords will is. Next is to start the discussion. It is important that everyone comes to a consensus, before a decision is finalized. Next you need to say a closing prayer so that you can express gratitude. Last is to have some way that we can all become better friends. This can be done through lots of ways like refreshments.     

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Family Crisis

In this week of family relations we learned about family crisis and family stress. Every family at some point will face family crisis and family stressors. It is not so important what the crisis and stress is, but rather who we react to the family stress or crisis. In a family crisis there is something that is called the abc/e model. A is the actual event. B is the both of their resources. C is their cognition. X is the total experience. The actual event isn't as big of a deal. Main this is because there is nothing that you can do about it. With resources the most important thing with is not what resources that they have, but how they use their resources. Cognition is how they are metal handling the situation. The most important thing with x is that at the end they are pulling together. Crisis can actual have a way of pulling a couple together.  

Friday, November 8, 2013

Not Yet

Now day’s sexual intimacy is such an interesting subject. There are many good people that would avoid the topic at all cost and then there are others that can seem to talk about it enough. This has made it very confusing for some teenagers. The media seems to shove try and shove sex down their throats every chance that they get. Many good parents have some great concern about this. So to combat this message that everyone should be having sex they send many warns to their teenagers about all of the dangers of sex. The problem with this is many of teenage become sacred of sex. They think that it is dirt and if they do it they too will become dirt. This becomes a problem when the teenagers get married and now it is okay. They have lots of martial problem because they don’t want to be dirty people. We need to be more careful about how we teach are teens. We need to teach them not yet instead of no.     

Marriages vs Weddings

This week in Family Relations we learned about transitioning into marriage. I find it interesting that people will spend many hours and lot of money on their wedding and then once they are married they think that everything is down and that they know longer need to spend time or money on their marriage, I think that if people but in the same about of effort into their marriage that they did with their wedding then there would be a big difference in the rate of divorces. People would know and appreciate their partner. They wouldn't feel the need to get divorced. If there was a problem the couple would be putting in enough time to work it out. People need to remember that if they aren’t putting time and energy into their marriage, then their marriage is slowly disengaging. 

Wednesday, October 23, 2013


This week in my class we have been learning a lot about dating and preparation for marriage. We spent a lot of time learning about how dating has changed over the years.  The difference between dating and courting is something that we have lost over the years that I think our culture desperately needs to get back. We use to go on dates (with many of the same people at once), start courting (our dating now days), engagement and marriage. Our culture use to spend a lot of time in the first stage and quite a bit of time on the second stage. Then fairly little time on the second two stages. My generation does almost the exact opposite. We spend very little time dating, sometimes we don’t even spend any time dating. Instead we just hang out for a few weeks. We become couples really quick after we meet. We then get engaged fairly fast. Then before we now it we are married and all of these problems arise. This is because people really don’t know who they have married and what to expect. We also haven’t learned what it is like to be really committed to each other. There is a reason that the prophet and apostles keep telling us to date more. Now all we need to do is listen.       

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Gender Roles

This week in class we learned about gender roles and the differences between men and women. Historical men when out and provided for the family and the women took care of the children. Ours is the first generation to ever question this typical family system. Now days our world says that man and women are the same. More women then ever are entering the workforce. The world says that they are just as capable and that we need more equality. If you say that a women should stay home and take care of the kids you are called old fashion and even prejudice. After all we are all the same. Aren't we? But the research does seem to agree. There is a whole bunch of research that seems to say that we are different. In this research it seems to say that women are better of taking care of kids and men are better suited for going to work and providing. This researchers almost seem scared to tell people of there findings, because the don't want to be seen as someone who is prejudices. There is something that people tend to over look. What people need to realize is that maybe are ancestors got it right. After all the had been doing it for centuries. Don't you think that if it didn't work then people would have changed the family systems centuries ago. People don't seem to think ever think that if we did change then the change could be bad. Or maybe that it is Satan plan to take the women out of the home so that we there is nobody left to take care of the children.      

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Social Classes

This week in class we were learning about different social classes. I didn’t realize before how many classes there actually were in the United States. It almost found it silly how much energy and effect they put into an appearances. Some of them spent so much time and effort into putting on this __. They made it seem like they had all of this money even though they didn’t. It so silly and I even felt really bad for them. I also was thinking if I ever do the exacted same thing and don’t realize it. It makes everything worldly in the earth that we do seem so silly in the eternal scene of things. I think that we all need to spend more time on how we are and how we can improve as a person and how we can help other people instead of spending so much time on are “status” of the world.   

America's Family Systems

This week in my Family 160 class we learned about Family systems and Family Mapping. We also spent learning about roles within the family. With so much divorce in the world I was about how you would do a family map. Then the kids have two people telling them what to do and the parents aren’t even talking. Then if their parents get remarried then they have a couple of other people telling them what to do. This can be very confusing and hard for children. They can a lot of times become a lot closer to one of their parents. Sometimes even disliking or distrusting the other parents. This can almost create two families instead of one. Also if children have a hard time with contention they can talk up the peace maker role, where they spend their entire life trying to make the two families get along and work as one. This is very hard and confusing a children. If you are wondering why it is that some of these young adults aren’t getting married I think that this has a lot of impact on that idea. Why would someone want to get married and start a whole other family, when the “two” families that they already have aren’t getting along or working.  

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Little Families

This week in my Family 160 class we are learning about different trends. One of the biggest trends is that families have decreased dramatically. It has decreased so drastically that families are now only having zero to 2 kids. The population bomb was a book that was written in 1970. In this book it talks about how the human race started was going to starve from over population. It started this how revolution of having small families with taking the time to think about what be the economical consequence if we started to see dramatically decrease the population.I also believe that it is false that the human race will starve from over population. In my church we have a scripture in Doctrine and Covenants  104:17 "For the earth is full, and there is enough and to spare; yea, I prepared all things, and have given unto the children of men to be agents unto themselves." I don't think that good would have sent us down to an earth that didn't have enough resources to sustain all of his children that he was going to send down to this earth. We need to just have faith that the lord will help us know how to uses those resources. If we gave everyone on earth a 1000 sq. ft plot then the whole entire either would fit into the size of Texas. Now I know that if we stuck everyone one into Texas we would have many problems. That is not the point. It is show you that there is a lot of space and resources on this earth. I believe that our Heavenly Father will show us the best way to use the earths resources. 

Intro About Me

Hi bloggers,
Let me tell you a little bit about myself. My name is Rachel Blaylock. I grew up in Idaho and am now attending college in at BYUI. I am a Marriage and Family major. I want to go to graduate school and get a counseling. I would untimely like to be a stay at home and just use my degree to help families in the community that are struggling. As you may find out later on my blog I have a very strong opinion on what a family and how it should run. Most of that comes from my religion. I am LDS (The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints), or in other words Mormon. I love being a Mormon. I couldn't imagine living life any other way. So I guess that is me in a nutshell.